Good evening, everyone!
I’ve got several updates for you based on your responses to the form (thank you to all of those who contributed) and conversation during last night’s meeting. I want to firstly say that I am highly unaccustomed to being in a position of even the slightest bit of leadership, and there are reasons for that, namely my chronic inability to emotionally tolerate disappointing someone. This is a learning experience for me, and I am grateful for your patience and assistance as we navigate toward a more inclusive club. 😊
Important Updates
Firstly, everyone in attendance last night said they will be fine finishing the book by next Saturday (the 4th) therefore we will be swapping our social meeting for a book meeting. This means that September 11th will be a social meeting, and September 18th will be the next book’s meeting, the tie breaker poll for which will be located below this post. The calendar reflects these dates.
Secondly, our meeting structure is changing to fit the responses I received. We will be reading two books a month going forward, regardless of their length. Exceptions can be made for particularly dense and/or long books as they arise. Both of a month’s books will be decided at the beginning of it. The longer of the two books will be read during the second half of the month. This will allow people of different reading speeds and availabilities to choose which book they’d like to discuss if they don’t think they can read both. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about this plan!
Fun Updates
Due to popular demand, we have a recipes Dropbox folder! Please text or Telegram me with your email address if you would like to be added to it.
We are considering having custom-made T-shirts! Submit your ideas for what should be written on a Rather be Reading shirt in the form below the tie breaker poll. I will have you vote on the suggestions, and the winner will receive a free shirt if there is enough interest to justify me looking into it! Feel free to submit as many ideas as you like. I ask for your name so I know whose answer wins, but the voting poll will be anonymous, and you can submit anonymously if you don’t care about getting a free one and don’t want to be known. Firstly, though:
Would you be interested in having a Rather be Reading t-shirt?
- Yes (88%, 15 Votes)
- No (12%, 2 Votes)
Total Voters: 17

Our What Our Members are Reading page is finally updated! Thanks for all the fabulous contributions.
The calendar for the rest of the year is up to date. Please feel free to check the schedule and let me know if anything should be changed. I swapped a social meeting with a book meeting to avoid book talk on Halloween weekend.
We now have a page for previous books read in the club. I hopefully have all of them there.
Boosting the Telegram social group for anyone who may not know about it! Something with invite links is very broken, so message me somewhere if you would like to be added. We have positively sparkling chat conversations.
I think that’s everything for now! Please vote in the below poll to decide which book we will read after The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet. Don’t forget to look below that for the form to submit your t-shirt ideas.
Vote Here
Which of these two books should we read next?
- Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler (69%, 9 Votes)
- A Deadly Education (The Scholomance #1) by Naomi Novik (31%, 4 Votes)
Total Voters: 13