Thank you for your interest in joining the Rather Be Reading book club!
We currently host Zoom meetings every Saturday at 9 pm Eastern. Meetings alternate between book talks and purely social get togethers, so our book related meetings occur every other Saturday. The zoom link will be sent out prior to each meeting.
You can find more info here, or you can contact us if you have questions.
Get Announcements Via Telegram
You can join the channel here.
Announcements will include notices of blog updates, poll creations, poll results, meeting information, etc.
Join The Conversation
Want to chat with other members about the club or books? You can join the Telegram social group here.
Don’t Have Telegram?
You can opt into receiving (free) text messages with announcements. This is currently only available for North American members. We’re working on changing that, so please sign up if you want to be included in future!