Favorites Poll

Hello readers! Based on your feedback, our next theme will be members’ favorites. I asked you to submit up to three of your favorite books that you’d be interested and okay with the group reading…and to say you delivered is quite the understatement. I had to trim the list down in order to keep the… Continue reading Favorites Poll

LitRPG Poll

Hi, readers! Here is your poll for LitRPG. As we are doing Dungeon Crawler Carl book 7 on February 23, I am including a secondary poll on this page to find out if you’d rather that take the place of one of the LitRPG meetings or still have two books chosen from this list. If… Continue reading LitRPG Poll

Favorites Poll

Hello readers! Wishing you a safe, happy holiday season, whatever that may mean to you. I know this time of year can be hit or miss for people depending on their circumstances. Please always feel free to reach out to me or the group if you’re interested in a social, game night, or other event… Continue reading Favorites Poll

Fantasy Poll and Meeting Updates

Hi, readers! Below, you will find your choices for our fantasy genre. You can vote for two books, and I’ll announce the winners on Sunday evening or Monday morning, depending on turnout. 🙂 In other news, our structure is going to be changing, hopefully with more flexibility and schedule-accommodation as a result! I’d like to… Continue reading Fantasy Poll and Meeting Updates

Self-Help Poll

Greetings, readers! And we’re back! It’s been a while, and I am grateful for your patience and continued engagement despite the lack of book-related discussion for the last while. I hope you are all doing well and finding moments and spaces of contentment. The usefulness of self-help techniques is wildly dependent on who we each… Continue reading Self-Help Poll

Space Opera Poll

Happy New Year, readers! I hope you all transitioned smoothly into 2024 and had wonderful holidays, whatever those were to you. I bring you our space opera poll, which was intimidating to research but ultimately very rewarding. My TBR pile has grown significantly. Thank you to those who gave me some recommendations! I also pulled… Continue reading Space Opera Poll

Childhood Books Revisited

Hi readers! I bring you our poll for ‘childhood books revisited’. Thank you for your recommendations! Whether you’ve read these before or, like me, somehow missed out on some of the middlegrade classics, I hope you enjoy the selection and conversation. Our goal is to have the chance to compare how we felt reading a… Continue reading Childhood Books Revisited

Secret Santa 2023

Hello readers! The holidays are approaching and, with them, our annual Secret Santa gift exchange. Whether you’ve participated with us before or not, I’d appreciate it if you could look through this post for guidelines and other information. 😊 Important dates: November 14: last day to sign up. November 15: Names are drawn. November 20:… Continue reading Secret Santa 2023

Historical Fiction Poll

Hi, readers! We follow our cozy lit genre up with historical fiction, and quite the switch it will be! Thank you to everyone who submitted/recommended books for this poll. There were so many submitted (and all of them really great-looking books) that narrowing it down was super hard. It’s a problem I’m grateful to have.… Continue reading Historical Fiction Poll