Books About Books!

Hello readers! This poll came about very abruptly, but I still managed to get some book submissions from you, so thank you! Our theme is books about books, libraries, or bookstores. We have quite a few options, so you can vote for up to 3. If you feel like this isn’t enough, please let me… Continue reading Books About Books!

Dark Academia Poll

Why hello there, my wonderful readers! We are back with another poll. This time: dark academia! This is a fairly new genre for me, and I’m excited to read any of the below options. We are meeting this Saturday (June 19) at 9 pm EDT to discuss the final half of The Seven Husbands of… Continue reading Dark Academia Poll

Romance Selection

Hi, readers! To my delight and surprise, the majority of you were quite content to do a romance genre, so here we are! Below you will find six books from which to choose. Four of them were recommendations from you all, and I had help from Stella to wade through dozens and dozens of books… Continue reading Romance Selection

Fantasy Poll

Hi, readers, Okay, so I went a little overboard in picking books for this genre, on top of receiving a couple of recommendations. And there are, like, five that I didn’t include but wanted to. In my defense, though, the genre is huge. There are eight options total, from which you may select up to… Continue reading Fantasy Poll

Dystopian Poll

Hi, readers! Please find below the poll for our upcoming genre: dystopia. All books are over 100,000 words, so they will be read over the course of a month rather than two weeks. I’m open to genre and book recommendations for when we finish dystopia. I thought a zombie one could be pretty fun, but… Continue reading Dystopian Poll

A Few Important Updates

Hi, readers! I have just a couple of quick updates for you all. Firstly, we are now introducing Social Saturdays! On weekends where there isn’t an official book club meeting, you are free to join a Zoom call to hang out if you wish. This is for free form conversation, though you of course may… Continue reading A Few Important Updates

Is It Almost March Already? And Other Actual Book Related Things

Hi readers!   Sorry for not updating the blog for the last while! We’ve been trying to sort out better structure for our book selections, and in case you weren’t around for the results, they are as follows:   When I put together the polls, wordcount will be listed. If a book is under 100,000… Continue reading Is It Almost March Already? And Other Actual Book Related Things

Contemporary Fiction Poll

Hi, readers!   I’ve been pretty busy with school and life in general, so I apologize for the delay in opening this poll. I will leave it open until Sunday night to give everyone a chance to vote. You can also vote for two books, because we have more than usual.   Anxious People by… Continue reading Contemporary Fiction Poll