Hi, readers! I really need to create better titles for these blog posts, but considering the files in my documents folder named “untitled”, “untitled2”, and “new untitled thing”, it’s just not going to happen. Anyway, thank you to those who attended our last meeting. The thriller genre is one with which I am… Continue reading Memoir Selection and Future Information
A New Year and a New Book!
Hi readers, and happy 2020-is-almost-over! Whether you have had the best year, the worst year, or somewhere in between, I am infinitely grateful for you and hope that this club has brought you some happiness. It certainly has for me. I know several of us took the last one or two meetings off… Continue reading A New Year and a New Book!
December’s Poll and Genre selection for the Future
Hello, readers! I don’t know about you all, but this is my favorite time of year. The weather is finally cooler, the rain is coming far more often, and it’s the perfect time to curl up and read with a good book. Except I was totally one of the only people who didn’t… Continue reading December’s Poll and Genre selection for the Future
Updated Schedule and November Poll
Hi, readers! Tonight, we met for our midway discussion of The Graveyard Book. It has been probably our lightest read yet, which I think has been refreshing for some of us. Short and sweet, this book was a first in terms of forays into Gaiman’s works for a couple of us, while many of… Continue reading Updated Schedule and November Poll
October Read Choices
Hi, readers! Welcome to fall! Is it time to wake Greenday up? Ha ha I’m so funny. Anyway, it is just about time for our October book! I have gotten a few suggestions from you and grabbed a couple of my own that looked interesting, so hopefully we have a good selection from which to… Continue reading October Read Choices
Reflections and Updates
Hi, readers! Another successful meeting! Thank you for attending and bringing your thoughtful and respectful discussion. This past Friday, we discussed the ending to The Fifth Season. A group’s ability to talk about a single book for well over an hour is incredible to me, and I am so grateful to all of you for… Continue reading Reflections and Updates
An Update and Info for September’s Read
Hello readers! First of all, thank you from the bottom of my heart to the about ten of you who attended our first meeting on the third. I had no idea how this was going to go, and I was delightfully surprised that it went better than I ever could have imagined. You are an… Continue reading An Update and Info for September’s Read
Our first book!
As is pretty evident by the choices, I’m going with a more sci-fi theme for our first book. It’s a genre I’m unfamiliar with beyond one or two books, so I’m excited to try something new! Since many of you have delved into this genre a lot already, feel free to let me know if… Continue reading Our first book!