Hi, readers! Just in time for a pumpkin spice latte and the start of a long-awaited autumn (just me?) here is your cozy literature poll! Thank you for the recommendations, and a big shout-out to the r/CozyFantasy subreddit which may or may not have taken over my life. Unless requested otherwise, our meetings for these… Continue reading Cozy Literature poll
Category: Uncategorized
Books You’ve Been Putting Off Poll
Hi, readers, Here is your “oh yeah, I’ve been meaning to read that” poll, as I’ve taken to calling it. Thank you for the submissions. I know there were a few that were told to me that I probably forgot to include; sorry if that is the case! I did include all that were submitted… Continue reading Books You’ve Been Putting Off Poll
Nontraditional Fantasy Poll
Hi, readers! And so I present to you our nontraiditional fantasy poll, possibly the first time when I didn’t have to look for a single book to include. With twelve or thirteen submissions in total, I had to choose which to add today and which to hold off until we (seemingly inevitably) do a genre… Continue reading Nontraditional Fantasy Poll
Updates and upcoming events
Hi, readers, Here are the results of our last poll and the feedback I received. The Snow Child discussion on April 29 The Night Circus discussion on May 13 Open mics at 08:00 pm eastern on the third Friday of the month (first one on April 21) Game nights at 08:00 eastern on the first… Continue reading Updates and upcoming events
Magical Realism Poll
Hi readers, and welcome back! Thanks for your patience with me during our brief hiatus. We will be returning to our usual schedule going forward. This means books every other saturday, socials on non-book Saturdays, and socials on Tuesdays. Additionally, our open mic nights will now be a monthly occurance. They will take place on… Continue reading Magical Realism Poll
Decades Poll
Hello readers! I’ve compiled a list of books for our decades theme below. Thank you so much to those of you who came up with some submissions; this is a strangely difficult theme to look up! I’ll give you until Saturday night to vote for your top 3 choices. 🙂 I posted on Reddit to… Continue reading Decades Poll
January Updates
Hello and happy 2023! I hope that each of you had a wonderful holiday season, whatever that means to you. We’re settling back into our usual routine, so I have a few updates for you. First, all meetings will now take place at 08:00 eastern instead of 09:00. Hopefully this fits better into your schedules… Continue reading January Updates
Dates for December
Hello and happy holidays! Here’s some info about how the rest of 2022 is going to go for us. Saturday, December 3: social hangout Tuesday, December 6: open mic night Friday, December 9: open mic night Saturday, December 10: Butts, a Backstory discussion Tuesday, December 13: social hangout Saturday, December 17: Secret Santa gift unwrapping/social… Continue reading Dates for December
Anatomy Poll
Hi readers, Here is your poll for our anatomy theme. There is a mix of fun and serious books, and I encourage you to vote according to what you’d like to read back to back. I will close the poll on Saturday, which will be a social. Due to the delay in getting the poll… Continue reading Anatomy Poll
Horror Poll
Hello readers! Here are your horror choices for this month. There are six in total, so you can select up to three. We’ll be reading two as usual. Our meetings will take place on October 22nd and November 5th. I’ll close the poll Monday evening. Please remember to sign up for Secret Santa if you’d… Continue reading Horror Poll